Talk Radio for Christians on AM 950
Weekdays 4-6 pm

Nick LaGuire Info-Focus:
Kim Clement's 'The Big “E”'


(Last updated June 2007)

  • Starts with an “e”. (May 22, 2005)
  • Not petroleum. Not oil. (May 22, 2005) (September 3, 2005)
  • Safer than oil/petroleum. (May 22, 2005)
  • They are going to have to press in to get that energy or that source to this Nation. In other words they can not rely on the source or the natural resources. (September 3, 2005)
  • From “within this nation”. (September 3, 2005)
  • Will come from:
    • Garbage
    • Ground
    • Paper
    • Bugs eating a bunch of stuff (September 3, 2005)
  • Is currently being wasted. (September 3, 2005)
  • The creatures are eating what could be used to cause our engines to work and our vehicles to move. (September 3, 2005)
  • It's right under your feet. It's not coming from anywhere else. It's coming from the soil of ( America ). (September 9,2005)
  • It shall come from the least obvious thing. They will say oh how obvious it was…It was right before our very eyes. (September 9, 2005)
  • Is a “new form of energy.” (September 17, 2005)
  • America is pioneering. (September 17, 2005)
  • Will “take ( America ) from a trillion dollar deficit to no deficit whatsoever within a six-year period.” (September 17, 2005)
  • “God is going to provide a way for you to invest and to make millions overnight.” (November 14, 2005)
  • “Not ethanol only, something else shall come out of it” (December 31, 2005)
  • Will be “discovered and in the next 18 months.” (December 31, 2005)
  • “(God) will show (His) servants, the prophets, the places to invest.” (December 31, 2005)
  • “Some shall say, "this is an Einsteinian craze" but it shall come from something that Einstein was discovering and bringing forth, but before his time, therefore (God) had to remove him… some of the theories shall become fact and God said, it shall be so surprising that people shall say, "what shall we do?” (December 31, 2005)
  • “I will take men and women that have been waiting and sowing and I will cause them to become millionaires and billionaires in very short periods of time. For surely the Lord says, there is also a season that must come upon My people the righteous, who have diligently sown, they have dug, they have dug and they have said, we have prepared ourselves with ditches for from Edom shall come the provision that you need. For the water shall not come from the clouds, neither shall the water come from the wind, but the water shall come from a place you least expect it.” (January 19, 2006)
  • “…something very unusual that was buried decades ago with Einstein shall come to pass and shall be recovered and discovered and America shall be on the forefront.” (March 3, 2006)
  • “It will not take 12 years, 6 years, 4 years. It shall happen in a short period.” (March 3, 2006)
  • “The discovery shall have such magnitude to it that there shall be various deaths for the greed of men in political office and political power. Sam, Sam, what are you doing, Gene, what are you doing? What are these men doing? Why have they crouched together? Why do they call themselves Americans and yet they sit at a table and they try and discover how they can steal it and take it over. Oh, you would kill innocent blood. Oh there is another one, a tall stately man who says, I will run for the office of the United States of America as the President. God said, no, you will not, for you have tried to steal as Judas tried to steal. God said, I will stop this political perversion and I will give this Nation because of a righteous President and because of a President who prays, I will give you a new source of energy and your economy shall change to where you will be a leading economic factor in the world again and they shall say, at last we are at a place where we can multiply our giving for evangelism that the Kingdom may be seen throughout the earth.” (March 3, 2006)
  • “Use your brains, delve, discover. For I will take some of you that only have a 100,000 or 5,000 or 25,000 and make you millionaires by simply looking again to the west. What is in the west? God said, go and look, there is a great discovery. There is a company that I will raise up, that I will allow you to have access to so that you may make what was supposed to be unrighteous money, handed placed into the bosom of the righteous, My people.” (March 3, 2006)
  • “It shall not come from other nations.” (March 10, 2006)
  • Is “beneath our feet within the ground.” (March 10, 2006)
  • “from dirt and bugs and dung” (March 10, 2006)
  • “This year God is going to bring about a breakthrough with a new source of energy that is going to put America back in the front line again.” (March 17, 2006)
  • “And God said they will say, oh, it's because of science. They will say it's because of scientific breakthrough, a new source of energy. No, it is not only because of that. But God said, I will give the spirit of discovery, creation and inventiveness into the motor industry - not in Japan , not in any other place - not in Germany , not in Switzerland , but in Detroit , Michigan .says the Lord.”

“And they would mock the discoverers, they would mock the inventors? Who is Ford? Huh! Let me tell you, God says. Ford will be revived! It shall be revived in a way that shall shock the motor industry and they shall say, where did this all come from?” (April 8, 2006)

  • “God said, listen, Pacific West. Look carefully, look and you shall find the place to put money into. God said, I will show you the tree again and you shall invest for it is my desire that I multiply your finances and get rid of your debt in the next two years says the Spirit of the Living God.” (April 8, 2006)
  • “Now the Word of the Lord comes to this region. Did I not tell you that there would be discoveries? Did I not tell you from this region that there would come inventions? Did I not tell you that there would be cures that would come from this region and from this soil? Now let Me tell you a little secret - also from this region, says the Lord, shall come the divine intervention of God regarding your energy.” (June 30, 2006, Seattle , WA )
  • “God says, this prophet would tell you that in just a very few short years you will not pay $3, your will not pay $2, it will come below that. And you shall say, how could this be possible? God said, do not say it's impossible.” (June 30, 2006)
  • “People shall say how quiet are the cars, how quiet are the vehicles. Why is it that we do not hear the roar that we heard before.” (August 25, 2006)
  • “How is it that we do not smell what we smelled before? In the fumes. It is gone.” (August 25, 2006)
  • Will bring hundreds of millions and billions of dollars into the Kingdom of God . (September 10, 2006)
  • “But the other (sign) shall be the stepping down of a Prime Minister of the Lion of the Nation of Great Britain. For when he does this, says the Lord, it shall be a sign, not because he stepped down. A sign that something shall advance, something shall advance out of Great Britain . Something shall advance, says the Spirit of God, from the United States . And I will take them and I will make them to be one sound and one voice, a very unusual revival, a very unusual breakthrough shall take place, says the Lord. And there shall be an acceleration on the oil crisis and suddenly there shall be an acceleration and discoveries shall be made one after the other. And God said your energy crisis shall slowly come to an end for I am going to bring prosperity upon the Body of Christ and upon those who have waited and said, God, I want you to lay upon me that blessing that you promised through Daniel, that blessing that your promised through Joseph, the blessing that you promised through Isaiah, the blessing that you promised through the prophets of old. I'm standing at this day where the Kingdom of God is about to advance upon the earth.” (September 15, 2006)
  • In this year there are going to be Christian businessmen that are going to prosper because of it. (September 22, 2006)
  • I'm going to reveal to (Kim Clement) and only to my warriors because they are the few that listen. (September 22, 2006)
  • “Then God said to (Kim), I'm going to take you to a source and I'm going to place you in front of him. I never realized that it would be Vice President Dick Cheney. I had no clue that he had anything to do with energy. God said I will place you before him and when the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom steps down I will fully release the new source of energy to the United States of America .
  • “…it shall come to pass that even in the soil of Florida and even out of this State connected with three other States, a great and a marvelous discovery shall come to pass.” (October 7, 2006)
  • “…keep your eye on the tree, keep your eye on the tree. Keep your eye on a rock. And God says, between a rock and a hard place something shall come forth and they shall say, "but was this not something that Einstein spoke about?" For God says, yes, but was out of time and I had to take him before this could be revealed, but now is the time for the discovery and science shall suddenly understand the power of the spiritual force that is behind it.” (October 7, 2006)
  • “When the prophet Elijah went to the home of the woman at Zarephath, the Spirit of God said you will find that there were a few things that she had, ingredients that she had: she had sticks, says the Spirit of God. She had stones, says the Spirit of God. She had water, she had oil, she had flour, she had soil. These are the same ingredients that I shall use to bring this Nation from dust to the highest place that it has ever been financially, says the Lord.” (October 7, 2006)
  • Will come “from what you least expected”. (October 28, 2006)
  • “Will make you (this Nation) independent and you shall send the Gospel throughout the earth again as you did before”. (October 28, 2006)
  • “Look to the tree, for the tree is a sign of that which will come with the ‘E'”. (December 31, 2006)
  • “The molecule as an ‘E'”. (December 31, 2006)
  • “ A new source of energy shall suddenly emerge from the hollow, from nothing, from junk. Do not say it is ethanol. I'm about to surprise you and show this Nation that the claws of those that have stood in the Middle East and in South America that have said we will hold onto them, God says I will shake them off you.” (February 2, 2007)
  • “ You have to see it in the Spirit so you can build in the natural.” (February 2, 2007)
  • “Something significant is going to happen in this nation by a very insignificant event. God's going to take of your dust, He's going to take of your trash, He's going to take of your soil, He's going to take of your bugs something insignificant and make it the greatest source of energy for the world.” (February 3, 2007)

    --- Updated Information ---
  • “…what's the big E, we know about ethanol God says No there's something else which came from Einstein that you're going to find out and this nation” (February 18, 2007)
  • “For the year 2009 energy will have changed drastically. This Nation will have tapped into the "Big E" four times. Ethanol shall then be changed into another "coli" and then God said two more times and then there shall be a breakthrough in this Nation…” (April 4, 2007)
  • “…i n the month of May there will be favorable exchanges” and “announcements”. (April 29, 2007)
  • “ We are going to see and we are going to hear about God revealing something that He's going to bring from the sea that's going to prosper us…” (May 4, 2007)
  • “Vengeance is in the sea. A battlefield in the under the waters, why? Because of the great wealth that shall come from the waters deep down…Hence you will see the battle in the sea.” (May 4, 2007)
  • “ Oil, sticks, dirt, all of these components now to bring an abundance to the United States of America . Sticks, dirt, oil, water and the amalgamation…this nation shall speak of water; oil, dirt and the amalgamation shall bring an energy.” (May 4, 2007)
  • Has something to do with “the whale, the octopus, and the dolphin”. (May 5, 2007)
  • “…find the fish, for the wealth is in the fish.” (May 5, 2007)
  • “… an emblem of the octopus. It has a star, it has something underneath it and this is an organization that shall arise.” (May 5, 2007)
  • “… great will be the change with the energy crisis - for the motor industry…this that is going to happen shall come because of a global interruption.” (May 11, 2007)
  • “ there will be a global event that will take place, that cause the motor industry to change so rapidly, and people will say ‘we thought it was coming to nothing' but look now…” (May 11, 2007)
  • “this global interruption shall cause men to go to the board and say ‘why didn't we see it? it was already written there in the 50's, the 40's and the 50's. It was already somewhere in the thinking of mankind, of science.'” (May 11, 2007)
  • “(God) will prove (Himself) by doing two unique things which shall become a global interruption.” (May 12, 2007)
  • “there will be a discovery within the sea that shall cause a war and people will say we must war for this but it will be short lived. I will not allow them to take from this nation again because it's in your waters.” (May 20, 2007)
  • “Energy is coming from the earth and the sea.” (May 27, 2007)
  • “God says now the second one has been revealed. The second one has been revealed. It shall come from the sea, deep within the sea.” (May 27, 2007)
  • “energy is in the sea, energy is in the dolphin, is in the whale.” (May 27, 2007)
  • Speaking of the discovery in the sea: “ Down in Florida it began but God says on the pacific, the west coast, there is also great discovery.” (June 16, 2007)
  • There will be “ an acceleration so that America would suddenly have five new sources of energy. There shall be five, not one, but five.” (June 16, 2007)
  • “I (God) will cause My church to prosper first for I will give the patent to you for this day I have said I will secure it until I find a righteous man who will take it and say I have patented it for the kingdom of God .” (June 16, 2007)


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